Friday, March 22, 2013

Do you know how human being life is precious :)

In this world,every individual has to think that once in a while that how we have born...Our body is really a great gift from the universe.No one knows how we come into our mother's womb and no know till now understand "what are  the start date and expiry date of a human being or any creature?".Some one is there in this universe,who is taking care of it as said by the slokas in bhagavad gita.Every body thinks we can do anything,but he or she doesn't know that he or she can't do everything.For example:If anybody hurts you,you feel bad right? Feeling bad sensors you by your heart which is inner inside your body.If any body praises you,you feel good right? Feeling good sensors you by your heart itself again.So the external things like ears,nose,eyes,mouth are just like walls which takes the things into yourself which are created by the universe(super power natural usually called him as God).The processing would be done by your mind and heart.So,balancing the things is very essential for an individual.Always remember,no one in this world would live as per his or her wish.One day definitely you have to leave this world without your permission.So,always try to take the negative or positive things in the same manner.The super power knows what to give you and what not...Try to keep your 100% faith in you that "Every things happens for a good cause only".Always think you have born for some cause,if you last work is done,you have confirmed to leave this world friends.Don't worry about death and birth.Think once in a while what best we can do for needy or good people.Encourage yourself and try to encourage others with good words which in turns leads you to be a leader..Try to always enjoy each and every moment of it...