Thursday, January 29, 2015

How to Delete a Share Point Web Application ?

In order to delete a SharePoint Web Application, first we have to open SharePoint Central Administration Tool as shown below:

In the above image,if you check in the left most corner, you would be able to see Delete Option( with cross mark x).Clicking on it,it gives us two option "delete Web Application" and " Remove SharePoint from IIS Web  Site" as follows:

If we want only to delete the Web Application you can opt "delete Web Application" and if you want to delete "IIS along with the Web Site" than you can opt "remove SharePoint from IIS Web Site". In my scenerio, i have opted "Delete Web Application" which has a provision of deleting Webapplication from IIS,Central Administration Page and deletes Content Database.But the Web Application is not deleted as excepted.Waited for almost 20-30 mins,but through GUI i haven't find anything happened.Still the web application which needs to be deleted still exists.So i have used the below PowerShell script as shown below:

From the above, we can clearly understands the Web Application Timer Job is running which needs to be deleted.So i immediately deleted the "unprovisioning Timer Job" by going to Monitoring-> Timer Jobs -> Check Job Status

By clicking on the check Job Status, you would be able to find "unprovisioning" related word in the "running Jobs" with respective to the Web application you want to delete".Without any second thought delete the Job.You are done.Now either run the PowerShell command or delete the Web Application from the GUI Central Administration Page.It will definitely Works like a charm!!!

PowerShell Command For Removing Web Application from SharePoint Farm

Remove-SPWebApplication https://WebAppicationname/ -Confirm -DeleteIISSite -RemoveContentDatabases