Monday, December 9, 2013

How to look after your child for first 3 months or new to paternal?

First of all congrates of being a parent.I hope you would be more happy today than ever before,because now in your hands,you got a gift from god.Exactly,first day when your baby was born,you have to keep faith and strong desire to feed with mother milk rather than taking other milk products.Initally some mother's get milk very easily without struggle,but some has to struggle a lot.Even though it is a struggle,it gives excellent results.

If u want to increase ur milk,u can try the below tips:

1.Eat bread in more quantity.
2.Eat papaya fruit which comes before becoming a yellow color fruit.
3.Drink milk as much as you can.
4.Eat dondakaya,annapakaya,beerakaya vegetables with garlic and minapappu.
5.Don't eat potatoes,tamotoes for first 3 month of your baby.
6.Be positive,always keep in mind that i have milk and i will give him/her.Only ur determination helps to produce milk more.
7.Eat sonti podi rice every day in lunch and continue it for atleast one-two months.
8.Use pappu nuna oil.
9.Don't eat heavy foods.
10.Keep timings for ur meals.
11.Drink coffee and not tea once in a while.
12.Eat kayalu,which are available for only mothers who give birth to new ones for atleast 2 months.
13.Don't drink water too much for 2-8 months.
14.You should keep ur body hot,till u give milk to ur baby.
15.Please give your milk for 6 months.Try to be with people who encourages that you have milk and you can fill her/his stomach.

Mother's milk is the best milk to one's born,please don't ever skip it because of your laziness.It is
a god's gift.Utilize it as much as you can for the born babies.

All the best,if any queries,kindly revert back.Helps to clarify them as much as i can.